Monday, July 9, 2012

Got Air for the Summer!

Get your Air Conditioner Ready For Summer!

Now is the time to check out your air conditioning system and have it serviced ahead of the summer heat.

Take care of it now while temperatures are still mild and you will be all set when scorching summer temperatures begin.

Schedule a service call with Joe Mumford Plumbing & Heating Co. We specialize in residential HVAC maintenance and will service the system and make sure it is in top condition when you need it this summer.

We will check and adjust refrigerant levels, lubricate the system, inspect and clean the coils and heat exchanger, and check the entire system to make sure it is operating properly.

 If you schedule service now you can beat the rush. If you wait too long, the top heating and air conditioning companies will be booked solid and it could take a few days before they can get to you.

Don’t get caught without Air Conditioning in the heat of the summer!

Ask about our Air Conditioning Special!

 SAVE $$$ on your Tune-Up!  Call us now to save money later!


  1. We all know that summer is really heat. So, we need a perfect air for summer. Some of us hated heat climate because it can cause skin rashes. Its the time to have a perfect air company manchester

  2. Thanks for this helpful information! Nobody loves hot weather except for those who loves to go swimming..... :-)

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  3. Love your info, good to know there are services like this, ACs are indispensable for ever changing temperature.

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